
  Amarnath Yatra The thought of performing Amarnath Yatra was sparked during the end of March 2023 when one of my seniors brought up this question of “The registrations for Amarnath Yatra will start from the 1st of April. Anyone interested to join me?”. After our initial conversations, I broached the topic with my brother and cousin both of whom readily agreed and we started our research on the topic. After significant research on the net and scouring the pages of the official site of the shrine board,, we listed down the steps to be followed to obtain the permit and also the preparations that we need to undertake. We also checked in our circles to see if anyone has performed this Yatra so that we can take some useful tips from them. There were quite a few POVs based on the individual experiences and we took all of that as inputs. We also had to finalise the date on which we planned to have the Darshan of Baba Amarnath, based on which our other plans had to be